How To Use The Intranet

Mobile-friendly design

The intranet database has been redesigned - well, given a makeover - and it is now usable from any browser from a smartphone to a cinema-screen.

Accessing from a browser

You should log in to this database using your Lotus Domino username and intranet password as notified to you by your administrator. If you do not know these details please send email to support.

The domino server is set up to allow both normal and encrypted communication from a browser - you should use the encrypted channel for added security. The server address is

If you are using the old "" address you should stop, and begin using the mail3 channel by clicking the link above.

Logging in

When you open the database you are initially connecting as a guest user. As such you have access to a very limited number of links and documents, so the first thing you should do is log in.

At the top right corner of the screen is a link to log in. Click this, and enter your user name and password to access the full intranet.

Once logged in, your name appears as a link at the top right. Following this link takes you to your account area where you can change your intranet password if you wish.


The home screen shows a summary of today's events (taken from the calendar), and a precis of the 10 most recently modified news posts. Previous posts can be found in the News archive by following the link at the bottom.


Depending on your browser screen size a set of useful links are provided either down the right side of the screen or at the bottom, categorised into departmental areas. These links are modifiable only via the Notes back end - there is no access as yet to menu setup via browser - but you do have the requisite permissions to make changes if you wish. Ask Eric how if you don't know!


You can edit old News articles if you are the owner, or anyone can create new News items. If you have something worth putting on the intranet, please feel free to do so by clicking the 'add' button near the top of the recent news feed.

All that is required is a title, some text in the body, and you can also restrict the visibility of the item or make it fully public if you wish. Most articles are only visible to logged in users - i.e. current employees of insidecareers.


The company shared calendar is available via the second main menu tab. Initially it opens with a month to view, but a set of links at the bottom allow you to choose to view the calendar as a list - useful if you are using a small screen - or as a daily, weekly or even yearly overview.

Calendar events are categorised by department and displayed in the view with a colour code. When you create a new calendar entry you specify the date and duration of the event. You also have the option to create repeats of the event for the next several years if you wish.


Contacts are companies or people / phone numbers, notes and other information you wish to store in a readily available area. They are arranged alphabetically, or can be searched for as required. Create new contacts by clicking the 'add' button at the top of the contacts view.

Search for a contact by clicking 'search' and entering any number of key words in the search field. Combine your key words using 'or' to increase your chances of finding the document you want, or 'and' to narrow it down.

For example, searching for stationery printer and selecting 'and' will return only contacts listing both those search terms. Selecting 'or' will return any contacts containing any of those terms.

If you can't spell stationery, you can use a wild-card *, i.e. search for stat*.


This link allows you to access your mail file over the internet from your smartphone. It opens a new window and uses a proprietary IBM java interface to do so. It should be self-explanatory in use. If you have problems, please email support using the link at the top of this document.

Author: Team. modified: 01/30/2017